History of Transylvania | Definitive guide - Odyssey Traveller (2024)

Transylvania in Antiquity and the Middle Ages

For more than a hundred years starting in the 2nd century, the region in what is now Romania–comprised of the Transylvanian Basin and the lands to the south–was the Roman province of Dacia. Prior to this, the region had been settled by Indo-Europeans, which the Greeks called the Getae, who then intermingled with other tribes that the Romans called the Dacians (hence the name of the province), before they were subsumed by the Roman Empire.

Emperor Aurelian withdrew his Roman troops around the year 300, unable to deal with the migratory peoples entering Dacia’s exposed borders. These migratory peoples included the Slavs, who were assimilated by the Daco-Romans, or the Romanised population of Dacia. The Magyars (Hungarians) entered Dacia in the 10th century, and in the 11th century built the territory called Transylvania. Transylvania’s earliest known reference in historical records is in a document dated 1075. It was referred to as ultra sylvan, “beyond the forest”, with ultra meaning “beyond” and sylvan meaning “woods” or “forest”, in reference to the wooded mountains surrounding it.

History of Transylvania | Definitive guide - Odyssey Traveller (1)

Present-day Hungarians refer to their country as Magyarország, “Land of Magyars”, after their Central Asian ancestors. The Magyars were led by Prince Árpád, who migrated from the Urals in 896 and settled in what is now Hungary. His great-grandson Stephen I ascended the throne in 1000 as the first King of Hungary, and his dynasty would rule the kingdom until 1301. (Read more about Hungary in our previous article.) Transylvania was part of the Hungarian kingdom, but evolved through the centuries as an autonomous unit, with its own military governor or prince (voivode) and constitution.

History of Transylvania | Definitive guide - Odyssey Traveller (2)

In the 12th century, German Saxons arrived in the region after the Tatar raids. The Tatars were a Turkic-speaking people who were conquered by the Mongols and folded into the Mongolian army as the Mongols attacked Europe. The Saxons were offered free land and tax incentives by Bela I of Hungary, provided they help protect the realm from the Tatar-Mongolian raids. The Saxons built seven fortress towns known as the Siebenbürgen (“seven cities”), which was the historical German name for Transylvania. These seven cities were:

  • Nösen/Bistritz (Bistrița)
  • Hermannstadt (Sibiu)
  • Klausenburg (Cluj-Napoca)
  • Kronstadt (Brașov)
  • Mediasch (Mediaș)
  • Mühlbach (Sebeș)
  • Schässburg (Sighișoara)

Dracula in Transylvania

Scholars have suggested that Bram Stoker’s fictional vampire, Dracula, was based on the very real Transylvanian-born Vlad III Dracula or Vlad the Impaler, the voivode of Wallachia in the 15th century.

History of Transylvania | Definitive guide - Odyssey Traveller (3)

When he was born in Sighișoara, Transylvania in 1431, Hungary was already 65 years into an ongoing war with the Ottoman Empire. Vlad’s sobriquet Dracula means “son of the Dragon”; he was called as such as his father was known as Vlad Dracul (“Vlad the Dragon”). Dracul in turn was derived from the Latin draco or dragon, as his father was inducted into the Order of the Dragon, created by Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund to defend Christian Europe against the Ottomans.

Vlad moved to Wallachia when his father assumed leadership of the principality. Vlad and his younger brother were held hostage in 1442 by the Ottoman sultan Murad II to secure his father’s agreement to Ottoman policies. A few years later, Vlad’s father and older brother were assassinated by Wallachian nobles, and Vlad returned to Wallachia and struggled for several years to regain his father’s seat as voivode, even fighting his own younger brother at one point.

Bucharest (Romanian: București), the capital and largest city of present-day Romania, first appeared in historical records in a signed document in 1459 by Vlad, who also built the first fortress in Bucharest to hold back the invading Ottomans. During his rule, Vlad committed the atrocities that earned him the name “Impaler”; he would impale his enemies on stakes in the ground and leave them to die. In 1462, he left thousands of impaled enemies on the battlefield in order to deter the Ottoman army, led by the young sultan Mehmed (or Mehmet) II.

History of Transylvania | Definitive guide - Odyssey Traveller (4)

Years before this, in 1453, Mehmed II had already breached the walls of Constantinople, now known as Istanbul, making it the capital of the Ottoman Empire. (Read more in our previous article here.) Some scholars are saying that Vlad’s tactics “may not have been exceptionally cruel”, and that the impaling method was used as “psychological warfare” against a formidable enemy who had considerably more resources than he did.

He was able to evade the Ottomans that year, but he was later captured by the Hungarians and imprisoned by their king Matthias I (Mátyás Hunyadi). Vlad Dracula was later killed in battle, in 1476.

Ottomans vs Habsburgs

Meanwhile, the Ottoman-Hungarian war raged on.

History of Transylvania | Definitive guide - Odyssey Traveller (5)

It finally ended in 1526, with the Ottomans defeating Hungary at the Battle of Mohacs. In the ensuing chaos, the Hungarian nobles elected two kings simultaneously, dividing Hungary into three regions: the west, or “Royal Hungary”, ruled by the Austrian Ferdinand I of the Habsburgs; the east, including Transylvania, ruled by its voivode, John (János Zápolya); and the central region, including the capital Buda, firmly under Ottoman control. John and Ferdinand I fought for control of the region for 12 years.

In 1566, Transylvania was transformed into an semi-autonomous principality under the Ottomans. The Bathory dynasty ruled the principality for many years, playing off the Ottoman sultan against the Habsburg emperor so they could step back from the conflict and retain their independence. Transylvania became an important power during this period and a bastion of Protestantism in Eastern Europe.

History of Transylvania | Definitive guide - Odyssey Traveller (6)

Starting in the 1600s, the Ottoman Empire’s power began to wane and Europe began to rise, strengthened by the discoveries and innovations during the Renaissance and the start of the Industrial Revolution. The Ottomans, recognising Transylvania’s growing political dominance, stripped it of its western territory and installed an obedient voivode (Mihály Apafi) in 1662.

There were many Hungarians, especially non-Catholic minorities, who sided with the Ottomans, as they were rebelling against the Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I’s Counter-Reformation principles and anti-Protestantism, an uncompromising religious policy that had guided the Habsburgs for the decades. When Mehmed IV declared war on Leopold I in March 1683 and besieged Vienna months later, he was supported by the Hungarian army.

But the siege of Vienna ended on September 12, 1683 with the Ottomans’ defeat and Vienna saved by her allies. (Read more here.) Transylvania recognised the rule of emperor Leopold I and became attached to Habsburg-ruled Hungary. In 1699, the Ottomans conceded their loss of Transylvania, and by 1711, even the anti-Habsburg elements within Transylvania submitted to the emperor.

History of Transylvania | Definitive guide - Odyssey Traveller (7)

Transylvania with Romania

Even back in the Middle Ages, the Magyars overshadowed the indigenous Romanian population. By the 18th century, the Magyars were calling for Transylvania’s integration with Hungary. In the Hungarian Revolution of 1848, when the Hungarians revolted against the Habsburgs, the Transylvanian Magyars sided with the revolution while the Romanian peasantry sided with the Habsburgs, hoping to fight for their own political and religious freedoms.

Transylvania was eventually reabsorbed into Hungary in 1867. After Austro-Hungary’s defeat in World War I, the Romanians of Transylvania demanded the principality’s union with Romania. The union was completed in 1947, the same year a communist regime overthrew the Romanian monarchy. In 1989, a national uprising replaced this regime with a democratic style of governance.

Travelling to Transylvania

Transylvania has been likened to the new Tuscany, capturing the attention of the British elite, including Prince Charles, who holds properties in the region. Just as Tuscany enchanted British travellers, Transylvania has become a sought-after destination, marked by its bucolic forests, captivating architecture, and rich historical tapestry.

Prince Charles’ fondness for Transylvania is evident in his recurrent private visits following his initial journey in 1998. The allure of the region’s picturesque landscapes and centuries-old heritage is undeniable, drawing even the British royalty to its mesmerizing charm. Beyond its fairytale-like icons and eerie legends, Transylvania offers a serene retreat, nestled amidst the enchanting Carpathian Mountains, still retaining an air of undiscovered mystique in comparison to more mainstream European destinations.

One of Transylvania’s most iconic landmarks is the legendary “Dracula Castle” in Bran, perched dramatically on a mountain pass bridging Transylvania and Wallachia, believed to have been Vlad the Impaler’s place of captivity.

History of Transylvania | Definitive guide - Odyssey Traveller (8)

The town of Braşov serves as a captivating gateway to the Transylvanian region, boasting a charming central old-town area that beckons exploration.

History of Transylvania | Definitive guide - Odyssey Traveller (9)

Visitors to Transylvania should not miss the awe-inspiring Biserica Neagră, or the Black Church, a former Roman Catholic edifice now the largest Lutheran place of worship in the area. Ravaged during the Great Turkish War of the 1680s, the church earned its name from the soot that darkened its walls as a haunting reminder of its tumultuous past.

History of Transylvania | Definitive guide - Odyssey Traveller (10)

To enjoy a beautiful view of Braşov, ascend Mount Tampa via cable car.

History of Transylvania | Definitive guide - Odyssey Traveller (11)

Exploring further afield, the Prejmer Fortified Church in Prejmer stands as a testament to Transylvania’s rich heritage, belonging to the UNESCO World Heritage Sites list. Founded by the Teutonic Knights in the 13th century and later adopted by the Saxon community, the church showcases a priceless 15th-century Gothic altarpiece among its treasures.

History of Transylvania | Definitive guide - Odyssey Traveller (12)
History of Transylvania | Definitive guide - Odyssey Traveller (13)

Venturing to the UNESCO-protected Sighişoara Citadel, founded in the 12th century by Saxon settlers, visitors are immersed in medieval history within its enduring walls. The citadel’s historical significance is preserved through its architectural splendor, with attractions like the Clock Tower and the chilling Torture Room, offering a glimpse into the city’s tumultuous past.

History of Transylvania | Definitive guide - Odyssey Traveller (14)

In Cluj Napoca, once the heart of Transylvania, the majestic St Michael’s Church stands tall as a Gothic masterpiece, second only to Braşov’s Black Church in height.

History of Transylvania | Definitive guide - Odyssey Traveller (15)

For a unique experience, explore the surreal depths of the Turda Salt Mine on an underground tour, repurposed as a salt therapy center and amusem*nt park.

History of Transylvania | Definitive guide - Odyssey Traveller (16)

Sibiu enchants with its Lutheran Cathedral of Saint Mary, the Council Tower, and the Brukenthal National Museum, showcasing Transylvania’s cultural legacy through its architectural gems and historical collections.

History of Transylvania | Definitive guide - Odyssey Traveller (17)

Nature enthusiasts will find solace in Transylvania’s abundant wilderness, with three of Romania’s natural parks offering a sanctuary for outdoor enthusiasts. From the scenic trails of Poiana Brașov to the untamed beauty of Retezat National Park and Piatra Craiului National Park, visitors can immerse themselves in the diverse landscapes of the Carpathian Mountains, teeming with wildlife and natural wonders.

History of Transylvania | Definitive guide - Odyssey Traveller (18)

Embark on a journey through Transylvania’s rich history on our Discover Romania tour with Odyssey Traveller. Starting in Bucharest, the capital and largest city of Romania, we delve into the heart of Eastern Europe. Our meticulously crafted itinerary leads us through museums and ancient towns, offering a deeper understanding of Romania’s origins, the echoes of its monarchical history, and the enduring imprints of centuries of foreign dominion. Explore the layers of history that define this captivating nation. Join us as we unravel the tapestry of Romania’s past on this immersive small group tour tailored for mature-aged and senior travellers.

The following related tours may also be of interest:

  • Sofia, Bucharest, and Budapest tour
  • George Enescu International Festival
  • Romania small group walking tour

Just click through to see the full itinerary and sign up!

History of Transylvania | Definitive guide - Odyssey Traveller (2024)


What is the story behind Transylvania? ›

Transylvania, historic eastern European region, now in Romania. After forming part of Hungary in the 11th–16th centuries, it was an autonomous principality within the Ottoman Empire (16th–17th century) and then once again became part of Hungary at the end of the 17th century.

Is Transylvania Hungarian or Romanian? ›

Is Transylvania in Hungary or Romania? Transylvania is in Romania, being a historical province of Romania. It was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire for several years. After the First World War, it was united with Romania.

Does Hungary still claim Transylvania? ›

The 1947 Treaty of Paris reaffirmed the borders between Romania and Hungary as originally defined in Treaty of Trianon 27 years earlier, thus confirming the return of Northern Transylvania to Romania.

Why did Hungary lose Transylvania? ›

The Hungarian state authorities were intent on transforming the Kingdom of Hungary into a Magyar nation state. Transylvania lost its status as an independent crown land granted to it by Vienna after the suppression of the Hungarian revolution as a means of weakening the Magyarization policy.

What is Transylvania a short history? ›

Transylvania became part of the Kingdom of Hungary in 1002, and it belonged to the Lands of the Hungarian Crown until 1920. After the Battle of Mohács in 1526 it belonged to the Eastern Hungarian Kingdom, from which the Principality of Transylvania emerged in 1570 by the Treaty of Speyer.

Why is Transylvania associated with vampires? ›

Despite the occurrence of vampire-like creatures in these ancient civilizations, the folklore for the entity known today as the vampire originates almost exclusively from early 18th-century Central Europe, particularly Transylvania as verbal traditions of many ethnic groups of the region were recorded and published.

Do Romania and Hungary get along? ›

Between Romania and Hungary, for one hundred years, historical issues have impeded the development of consistent bilateral relations, even if the bilateral relations have the character of a “strategic partnership for twenty-first-century Europe” (Romanian MFA 2010).

Is Dracula Romanian or Hungarian? ›

However, in the time of Vlad III's reign, Transylvania was largely autonomous, though it had strong political connections to both the Kingdom of Hungary and the Kingdom of Poland. The historical figure Vlad the Impaler (often associated with Dracula) was Romanian, ruling over the region of Wallachia.

Why was Transylvania given to Romania? ›

Causes and leading events. August 17, 1916: Romania signed a secret treaty with the Entente Powers (United Kingdom, France, Italy and Russia), according to which Transylvania, Banat, and Partium would become part of Romania after World War I if the country entered the war.

Is Transylvania safe to visit? ›

It is by far the safest part of Romania according to all surveys and one of Europe's most secure destinations. Three out of five Romanian cities ranked in top 100 in the world are located in Transylvania. They are: Cluj Napoca, Timisoara and Brasov. They are also among the top 10 safest cities in Europe.

What language do they speak in Transylvania? ›

The official language is Romanian, and it is spoken by approximately 89% of the 23m population. Hungarian is spoken by around 7% of the population, mainly in Transylvania. There is also a population of German speakers who make up around 1.5% of the national population.

Do Hungarians still live in Transylvania? ›

Some also live in Transylvania (around the Ghimeș-Palanca Pass and in the so-called Seven Villages) and in Oituz at Northern Dobruja. The Csango settled there between the 13th and 15th centuries and today, they are the only Hungarian-speaking ethnic group living to the east of the Carpathians.

What is the real story behind Dracula? ›

Entering world of supernatural, students read original texts—and even dress as vampires. Bram Stoker's Dracula, the iconic 1897 tale of a vampire from Transylvania, is often thought to be inspired by a formidable 15th-century governor from present-day Romania named Vlad the Impaler.

Why is Transylvania known for horror? ›

Largely as a result of the success of Bram Stoker's Dracula, Transylvania has become a popular setting for gothic horror fiction, and most particularly vampire fiction.

Who turned Dracula into a vampire? ›

Early Life. during his youth he was made into a vampire by the damnation of God. After becoming a vampire, he became a master of sorcery and necromancy. While his powers were later regarded as standard abilities for a vampire, the novel notes that he is exceptionally powerful and gifted, even for a vampire.

Why was Dracula set in Transylvania? ›

Count Dracula was inspired by one of the best-known figures of Romanian history, Vlad Draculea, nicknamed Vlad Tepes (Vlad the Impaler), who was the ruler of Walachia during mid-1400s. Born in 1431 in Sighisoara - Transylvania, Vlad resided most of his adult life in Walachia (southern Romania).

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