Creating your Spanish garden - Spain Property Guides (2025)

Whether you have bought a villa with garden or patio, an apartment with terrace or a finca with land, they all give you the chance to create a lovely outside space for everyone to enjoy.

Spain is a country for outdoor living most of the year. It has thousands of kilometres of lovely beaches, cities and towns with parks and green areas, but most people want their own piece of space in which to while away the hours peacefully, perhaps with a beer or glass of cava in hand.

Most people want their own piece of space in which to while away the hours.

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The UK garden

The British Isles are ideal for lush foliage and plants and flowers which thrive in cool and sometimes difficult situations. Clay soil allows for the glorious azaleas, rhododendrons and hydrangeas. The temperate climate attracts plants which are happy in cooler conditions, but also sun loving flowers like geraniums in the summer months. The English country garden is synonymous with foxgloves, canterbury bells and delphiniums. How many glorious paintings there are depicting the cottage garden!

The Spanish garden

The climate and soil in Spain does not bode well for many of our glorious British flowers and plants. Often, the earth will be very dry for several months and temperatures too high to sustain many of them – including my favourite, sweet peas. However, you can create a lovely Mediterranean garden, which doesn’t need plenty of water or cool weather. In the mountainous regions there is more scope for an “English style” garden but you will still need to consider the altitude and chill factor.


Water, or the lack of it, is one of the most important aspects of gardening in Spain. In the south and most coastal regions, rainfall is infrequent but often torrential. Areas towards the north fare better in terms of precipitation, but also tend to have dry summers and water usage can be pricey if you irrigate with garden hoses. Should your property have a deep well, you can tap the water with an electric pump and provide irrigation for a small cost. However, if you are reliant on mains water, keeping your garden green can be very expensive.

Some people install underground water tanks which trap rain, but they might not collect enough water to last a whole summer. Nevertheless, they can be useful in areas with average levels of rainfall and over time can save money.

Creating your Spanish garden - Spain Property Guides (1)

Don’t let a lack of water or outdoor space hold you back from gardening in Spain.

You will see numerous wonderfully green golf courses throughout Spain and they take a lot of the available water. Sometimes affecting neighbouring districts, causing them to have water shortages occasionally due to the amount used for the course. If you are buying a property close to a golf course, it is a good idea to check the water supply before you buy.

Generally though, it is best to create a garden with plants that need little or no water and which can survive drought and high temperatures.

Suitable plants

The best way to discover which plants do well in your area is to head straight for the local garden centre. Here you will see an array of flowers and shrubs which the locals buy and therefore which are suitable for you to plant. If in doubt, ask one of the garden centre’s employees about suggestions – there is usually someone who will speak some English. There are many websites available that provide all sorts of tips for gardening in Spain, including the gardening section of

Wherever you wish to live in Spain, knowing how to negotiate for your property should get you a little more garden or patio for your money! Download our guide: How to Negotiate Abroad.

Creating a Mediterranean style garden needs some knowledge and imagination but there are many magnificent Spanish gardens from which to get inspiration. Visit your local botanical gardens to see what can be done with plants and flowers grown locally.

In the spring many Spanish towns have flower festivals, often offering visits to private gardens, generally hidden from public view. These are another source of good ideas for the gardener and can often provide surprises.

Potted plants

People with terraces or small patios often prefer to put their plants in pots to maximise the space available.

Head to the garden centre to buy terracotta or plastic pots in various sizes. Terracotta pots are definitely preferable for plants, as the soil can breathe better than in plastic pots but they are more expensive, especially if you need a large size. The location of your terrace, balcony or patio is another consideration. If you’re on the fourth floor of a block of flats without a lift, for example, it is better to buy plastic pots rather than having to carry a heavy terracotta pot up several flights of stairs.

Pots will need more watering than plants in a flowerbed. Go for palms, hot climate herbs, lavender, oleander and succulents – all of which are happy with small amounts of water, but make sure your pots are large enough for the plant to spread.

Creating your Spanish garden - Spain Property Guides (2)

Terracotta pots are a popular option in Spain

Trees shrubs and plants

The Mediterranean climate is ideal for decorative trees and shrubs. Mature olive trees are not cheap, but will look beautiful and give shade. Often they won’t bear fruit if they have been transported but are nevertheless worthy enough to stand in any garden. Mulberry trees are also an excellent source of shade and do well in the east and northeast of Spain.

There are many pretty shrubs and plants that grow really well in the hotter spots of Spain. What can be more lovely than hibiscus in vivid colours to brighten your day? Or deep purple bougainvillea flopping over a wall? In warmer areas the bougainvillea will flower in winter to add cheerfulness to your day.

Even in the cooler areas of Spain, favourites such as universal pansies can be used to liven up a window box in winter. Spring heralds primulas with their many vibrant colours. You can buy bulbs in garden centres and in supermarkets to have daffodils and hyacinths before the summer heat.

Geraniums are the universal windowsill plant but feature hugely in most Spanish gardens. Together with pelargoniums you can have bright colours for 12 months of the year if they are in a sheltered position. Lantana is a yellow plant which withstands heat and drought well.

Creating your Spanish garden - Spain Property Guides (3)


Cut flowers

Cut flowers are expensive in Spain as most are imported from the Netherlands. Why not grow your own? Gladioli do well in most Spanish gardens, as do irises. Roses bloom too if protected from the wind. An absolute favourite is the blue and white agapanthus which can be found in most of the country. Anemones grow well towards the north of Spain. Plants for arid areas are asters, clematis, dahlias and buddleias (which attract beautiful butterflies).

Gladioli do well in most Spanish gardens, as do irises.


Verdant pastures exist in Spain’s mountain ranges, but elsewhere it is difficult to keep a green lawn all year round. Most patios and gardens are laid with shingle or paving which can look a little austere. The answer is to include plenty of leafy and colourful plants which take the eye upwards. It is mostly a losing battle trying to have a grassy area unless it is in communal gardens for which the property owners pay substantially to maintain.

What you might miss

After a decade living here in Spain I must admit I miss a few flowers which grow so happily in Britain. Lilac can only be found in the north of Spain, but is more widely grown across the border in southern France. I would love to have a bunch of sweet peas on my table but sadly the climate isn’t suitable for them. Many years ago I had lupins in my garden but I have learnt they don’t do well here.

Despite this, I have a lovely terrace with palms, bougainvillia and masses of different coloured geraniums, all the herbs and some pretty succulents – so I am not complaining. They all survive when I am away for a week or two and are there to welcome me when I come home.

Creating your Spanish garden - Spain Property Guides (2025)


Creating your Spanish garden - Spain Property Guides? ›

An absolute favourite is the blue and white agapanthus which can be found in most of the country. Anemones grow well towards the north of Spain. Plants for arid areas are asters, clematis, dahlias and buddleias (which attract beautiful butterflies). Gladioli do well in most Spanish gardens, as do irises.

What plants are good for roof terrace in Spain? ›

Succulents are ideal plants for a Spanish terrace because they require very little water and enjoy the warm climate. They will certainly survive, even if you are not there for months. Aloe vera is not only an elegant patio plant, but also has medicinal properties.

What are the features of Spanish garden? ›

Provisions for shade are given with the use of arcades, pergolas, trellising, and garden pavilions. Ceramic elements and tiles are often used: in water features; for structural, decorative, and seating elements; and as paving; with solid fields, embellishments and accents; and in pottery.

Can you grow dahlias in Spain? ›

Their tubers were used and eaten similar to potatoes- could you imagine?! Dahlias made their journey over the leaping seas a mere two centuries ago by a botanist to make a new home in Spain. From there, they have been cultivated and bred in many forms and colors (minus blue).

How do I plan my garden layout? ›

As a general rule, put tall veggies toward the back of the bed, mid-sized ones in the middle, and smaller plants in the front or as a border. Consider adding pollinator plants to attract beneficial insects that can not only help you get a better harvest, but will also prey on garden pests.

How to create a Mediterranean garden? ›

The garden is laid out in a formal and ordered pattern, usually in four symmetrical sectors. Planting is usually topiary with low ornamental hedges and potted trees and shrubs. However, aromatic plants and herbs are often planted in the beds too to make a fragrant garden.

What are the design elements of Moorish garden? ›

The idea of the Moorish garden

The Moorish garden usually has orange trees, flowers and a water feature, all intended to provide calm, shade, perfume, beauty and pleasure. The sound of the fountain adds tranquillity and a sense of luxury, but also provides water for the rest of the garden.

What are some of the three elements of Spanish style architecture? ›

Spanish-style homes are identifiable by their uniformity, minimal embellishments, and smooth stucco, adobe, or stone exteriors. You may also recognize them by their tile and stone roofs, often featuring barrel-shaped tiles in warm earth tones.

What are the key features of Spanish culture? ›

In Spanish culture, people live life to the fullest. But, not in a hurried way. Instead, Spaniards tend to take their time, deliberately, to appreciate the world and people around them. In Spain, people savor long, multi-course meals and wander vivacious villages and charming cities.

Do hydrangeas grow well in Spain? ›

The Hydrangeas (Hortensias)

It is a plant that needs a lot of water, but not puddle, good drainage and moderate climate, neither too cold nor too hot, that is, Asturias is its perfect habitat.

What plants like full sun in Spain? ›

In the Mediterranean region, plants that tolerate dry, sunny conditions are popular choices, such as lavender, rosemary, olive trees, and citrus trees. Succulents and drought-resistant plants like Agave and Yucca also thrive in these conditions. In the Semi-arid region, choose hardy, drought-tolerant plants.

Do clematis grow in Spain? ›

Clematis campaniflora

A native of Portugal and Western Spain, it has the most dainty little bluey-white nodding bell-shaped flowers whose tips are strongly recurved. This 'wild' clematis is worthy of space in your garden.

How do you layout a garden row? ›

Rows Vegetable Garden Layout Plan

The other rule of thumb when using this layout plan is to organize your spacing so that your tallest growing vegetables are planted on the north side of your rows. Follow them with medium height vegetables, and then plant your shortest crop on the south side of the rows.

What do Spanish-style homes look like? ›

Spanish-style homes typically feature white stucco walls, terracotta roof tiles, decorative wrought iron stair railings, arched windows or doorways, dark wood beams, and tiled flooring and finishes.

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